3 groepen studenten van de opleiding Communicatie en Multimediadesign aan de Hogeschool Utrecht zijn aan de slag gegaan met dit vraagstuk. De studenten hebben onderzoek gedaan, advies rapporten gemaakt en vooral heel diverse media-uitingen gemaakt.
“The best of not 2 but 3 worlds! Many thanks and kudos to Jort, Milan, Sophie Zeth of team DRIP. Larens, Thijs and Linde of team Studio BOEIEND. And finally Jelle, Floor, Myrthe and Max of Team CARTAKNALLERS. Of course I may not forget their teacher and supervisor Dick who introduced the teams to me. I have been enthused by the students. They showed me various possibilities of branding my shop amongst youngsters and I will definitely use a number of their plans and suggestions to boost the attendance in my shop and hopefully sales as a result of that. I just show you some results of their ingenuity. Look forward to feedback once I have worked with their suggestions.” - Han Ruyters, Postcardshop Groeten Uit